What You Need to Know About Kitec Plumbing While Home Shopping

Lee Welbanks • Jul 26, 2024

What You Need to Know About Kitec Plumbing While Home Shopping

If you’re in the market to buy a resale house or condo, it’s important to know how to identify Kitec plumbing – a product that was most commonly used in hot water baseboard and in-floor heating systems between 1995 and 2007. 

Marketed as a corrosion-resistant alternative to copper pipes and fittings, Kitec was used in the residential building industry, and was recalled in 2015. The issue is that Kitec plumbing systems – including fixtures and pipes – have been found to weaken over time due to corrosion of fittings or complete failure of the pipes, causing water damage from leaks and floods. 

The piping is typically bright blue for cold water applications and bright orange for hot water applications, but Kitec piping also came in red, dark blue, gray and black.

Where to look for Kitec plumbing

If you’re viewing a home or condo built between 1995 and 2007, be sure to examine pipes around the hot water heater (or for a condo, in the mechanical room where the pipe connects to, or exits from, the walls). You should also check out pipes beneath kitchen sinks and bathroom vanities. All visible fittings should be stamped with Kitec or KTC. 

Be sure to also check out the home’s electrical panel doors. Many plumbers added a sticker to the electrical panel stating that Kitec piping was used in the home and that the electrical system must not be grounded to this product.

What’s the solution?

The only option to avoid problems associated with Kitec plumbing is to call a plumber and have it replaced with copper pipes – a remedy that requires access behind walls and under floors, and is an expensive project. But if you skip this step, you run the risk of a messy and even more expensive water damage claim – assuming that your insurance provider will even cover the damage caused by these pipes leaking or bursting.

Kitec plumbing issues represent just one more reason why it pays to have a home inspection before you purchase a property. This would allow you to work the cost of replacing the plumbing into your offer if you decide to proceed with the purchase.

Lee Welbanks
By Lee Welbanks 11 Sep, 2024
As the name implies, a cashback mortgage is similar to a standard mortgage, except that you receive a lump sum of cash upon closing. This lump sum will either be a fixed amount of money or a percentage of the mortgage amount, usually between 1-7%, depending on the mortgage term selected. How you use the cash is entirely up to you. Some of the most common reasons to secure a cashback mortgage are to: Cover closing costs. Buy new furniture. Renovate your property. Supplement cashflow. Consolidate higher-interest debt. Really, you can use the cash for anything you like. It’s tax-free and paid to you directly once the mortgage closes. Understanding the cost of a cashback mortgage. Now, while it might appear like a cashback mortgage is a great way to get some free money, it’s not. Banks aren’t altruistic; they’re in the business of making money by lending money. Securing a mortgage that provides you with cash back at closing will cost you a higher interest rate over your mortgage term. A cashback mortgage is like getting a fixed loan rolled into your mortgage. Your interest rate is increased to cover the additional funds being lent. Now, with so many different cashback options available and with interest rates constantly changing, it's nearly impossible to run through specific calculations on a simple article to outline how much more you’d pay over the term. So, if you'd like to identify the true cost of securing a cashback mortgage, the best place to start is to discuss your financial situation with an independent mortgage professional. When you work with an independent mortgage professional instead of a single bank, you receive unbiased advice, more financing options, and a clear picture of the cost associated with securing a mortgage. Getting cashback at closing is a mortgage feature that makes the bank more money at your expense. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing; the key is to be informed of the costs involved so you can make a good decision. Eligibility for a cashback mortgage. Simply put, a cashback mortgage isn’t for everyone. This is a mortgage product that has tougher qualifications than standard mortgage financing. Any lender willing to offer a cashback mortgage will want to see that you have stable employment, a fabulous credit score, and healthy debt service ratios. If your mortgage application is in any way “unique,” the chances of qualifying for a cashback mortgage are pretty slim. Breaking your mortgage term early. In addition to paying a higher interest rate to cover the cost of receiving the cashback at closing, a cashback mortgage also limits your options down the line. If your life circumstances change and you need to break your mortgage mid-term, depending on the conditions set out in your mortgage contract, you’ll most likely be required to either pay all of the cashback received or at least a portion, depending on how long you’ve had the mortgage. As all cashback mortgages are tied to fixed-rate terms, so in addition to repaying the cashback, you’d also be required to pay the interest rate differential penalty; or 3 months interest, whichever is greater for breaking your mortgage term early. Sufficed to say, should you need to pay out your mortgage early, breaking your cashback mortgage will be costly. Certainly, this is something to consider when assessing the suitability of this mortgage product. Get independent mortgage advice. Understanding the intricacies of mortgage financing can be difficult at the best of times. With all the different terms, rates, and mortgage products available, it’s hard to know which mortgage is best for you. So while a mortgage that offers a cash incentive upon closing might initially seem like an attractive offer, make sure you seek out the guidance of an independent mortgage professional to help you navigate the costs associated with a cashback mortgage. While it might be a great option for you, there might be other mortgage options that better suit your needs. It's worth a conversation for sure! If you’d like to discuss what a cashback mortgage or any other mortgage product would look like for you, please get in touch. It would be a pleasure to work with you.
By Lee Welbanks 04 Sep, 2024
Bank of Canada reduces policy rate by 25 basis points to 4¼%. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Media Relations Ottawa, Ontario September 4, 2024 The Bank of Canada today reduced its target for the overnight rate to 4¼%, with the Bank Rate at 4½% and the deposit rate at 4¼%. The Bank is continuing its policy of balance sheet normalization. The global economy expanded by about 2½% in the second quarter, consistent with projections in the Bank’s July Monetary Policy Report (MPR). In the United States, economic growth was stronger than expected, led by consumption, but the labour market has slowed. Euro-area growth has been boosted by tourism and other services, while manufacturing has been soft. Inflation in both regions continues to moderate. In China, weak domestic demand weighed on economic growth. Global financial conditions have eased further since July, with declines in bond yields. The Canadian dollar has appreciated modestly, largely reflecting a lower US dollar. Oil prices are lower than assumed in the July MPR. In Canada, the economy grew by 2.1% in the second quarter, led by government spending and business investment. This was slightly stronger than forecast in July, but preliminary indicators suggest that economic activity was soft through June and July. The labour market continues to slow, with little change in employment in recent months. Wage growth, however, remains elevated relative to productivity. As expected, inflation slowed further to 2.5% in July. The Bank’s preferred measures of core inflation averaged around 2 ½% and the share of components of the consumer price index growing above 3% is roughly at its historical norm. High shelter price inflation is still the biggest contributor to total inflation but is starting to slow. Inflation also remains elevated in some other services. With continued easing in broad inflationary pressures, Governing Council decided to reduce the policy interest rate by a further 25 basis points. Excess supply in the economy continues to put downward pressure on inflation, while price increases in shelter and some other services are holding inflation up. Governing Council is carefully assessing these opposing forces on inflation. Monetary policy decisions will be guided by incoming information and our assessment of their implications for the inflation outlook. The Bank remains resolute in its commitment to restoring price stability for Canadians. Information Note The next scheduled date for announcing the overnight rate target is October 23, 2024. The Bank will publish its next full outlook for the economy and inflation, including risks to the projection, in the MPR at the same time.
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